
groundwater storage中文是什么意思

  • 地下储水量
  • 地下水储存量
  • 地下水储量
  • 地下蓄水量



  • 例句与用法
  • Preliminary study on utilizing groundwater storage
  • Study on water resources in seconde songhuajiang river basin controlled by artificial groundwater storage
  • Aiming at the recharge capacity of rubber dam to the groundwater storage , the excited water supply of the dam caused by the exploitation of industry is discussed by mathematical simulation
  • In recent years , many barrages have been founded in dagu river , which greatly change the conditions of the exploitation and supply of groundwater . on the basis of calibration of mathematical model of hydrogeology , the effect of diversified factors on the variation of groundwater is analyzed using visual modflow software , the recharge capacity of rubber dam to the groundwater storage is studied and the allowable withdrawl of groundwater with the influence of manpower is calculated again
  • The results are as follows : ( 1 ) if we increase the pumping water by 493 x 104m3 , the amount of leakage recharge of rubber dam will rise by 231x 104m3 ; which indicates pumping by rubber dam can excite much more surface water infiltrate so as to supply groundwater . thus the utilization ratio of water source is increased , and it provides the reliable guaranty for enough supply of the groundwater storage in wet year . ( 2 ) under the condition of present status , the groundwater exploitable resource in wet year is 3670 104m3
    最后,通过数值法反复调算计算出本区地下水的允许开采量,计算结果表明,在现状开采的条件下,大沽河地下水库丰水年( p = 20 )时地下水允许开采量为13670 10 ~ 4m ~ 3 ,平水年( p = 50 )时地下水允许开采量为12054 10 ~ 4m ~ 3 ,枯水年( p =加% )时地下水允许开采量为10951xl了砰。
  • Using the calibrated model , the effect of diversified factors in the variation of groundwater is analyzed . the result shows that , the change of groundwater level has close relation with the rainfall . in the meanwhile , with the built of rubber dam , it is also been one of an important supply source of the groundwater storage
  • 其他语种释义
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groundwater storage的中文翻译,groundwater storage是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译groundwater storage,groundwater storage的中文意思,groundwater storage的中文groundwater storage in Chinesegroundwater storage的中文groundwater storage怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
