Preliminary study on utilizing groundwater storage 利用地下水库蓄水的初步认识
Study on water resources in seconde songhuajiang river basin controlled by artificial groundwater storage 地下水人工调蓄对二松流域水资源系统控制研究
Aiming at the recharge capacity of rubber dam to the groundwater storage , the excited water supply of the dam caused by the exploitation of industry is discussed by mathematical simulation 并针对橡胶坝的补给能力,通过数值模拟探讨了坝内蓄水因工业开采而激发的补给量。
In recent years , many barrages have been founded in dagu river , which greatly change the conditions of the exploitation and supply of groundwater . on the basis of calibration of mathematical model of hydrogeology , the effect of diversified factors on the variation of groundwater is analyzed using visual modflow software , the recharge capacity of rubber dam to the groundwater storage is studied and the allowable withdrawl of groundwater with the influence of manpower is calculated again 近年来大沽河干流及支流已增加多处拦河坝工程致使地下水采补条件发生了较大变化,本文利用visualmodflow软件分析了各种影响因素对地下水动态的影响,研究了橡胶坝对地下水库的补给能力并重新核算了人工影响条件下大沽河地下水库的允许开采量。
The results are as follows : ( 1 ) if we increase the pumping water by 493 x 104m3 , the amount of leakage recharge of rubber dam will rise by 231x 104m3 ; which indicates pumping by rubber dam can excite much more surface water infiltrate so as to supply groundwater . thus the utilization ratio of water source is increased , and it provides the reliable guaranty for enough supply of the groundwater storage in wet year . ( 2 ) under the condition of present status , the groundwater exploitable resource in wet year is 3670 104m3 最后,通过数值法反复调算计算出本区地下水的允许开采量,计算结果表明,在现状开采的条件下,大沽河地下水库丰水年( p = 20 )时地下水允许开采量为13670 10 ~ 4m ~ 3 ,平水年( p = 50 )时地下水允许开采量为12054 10 ~ 4m ~ 3 ,枯水年( p =加% )时地下水允许开采量为10951xl了砰。
Using the calibrated model , the effect of diversified factors in the variation of groundwater is analyzed . the result shows that , the change of groundwater level has close relation with the rainfall . in the meanwhile , with the built of rubber dam , it is also been one of an important supply source of the groundwater storage 模拟结果表明,地下水位的变化与当地降雨量的大小及时程分配,地下水开采量的大小及时程分配和河流来水情况密切相关,其中,降雨入渗、河流渗漏对地下水补给起到决定性作用,同时,随着橡胶坝的修建,也使其成为地下水库的一个重要补给来源。